With warm weather quickly approaching, there will hopefully be many opportunities coming up to post up somewhere with all your friends and loved ones in a nice outdoor folding chair. Maybe you’ll be gathering in your backyard for a barbecue, trying to get the best view at a little league game or lounging on the beach. Wherever you’re going to be sitting, you probably want the seat to be as sturdy as possible.
The good news is that you don’t have to sacrifice any convenience or comfort in the outdoors just because you’re using a folding chair. If your priority is something that packs up to be extremely compact and lightweight, there are suitable models that won’t break your back. If you need something that allows you to put your feet up, even that can be found in an outdoor folding chair. There are expertly designed options that can keep up with the avid camper and more affordable options that do the trick yet you won’t be afraid to leave behind at your next music festival or outdoor concert.
Wear your chair as a backpack. Keep it perched on the porch for tanning or tucked away in the trunk just in case. No matter what you need in an outdoor folding chair, we’ve got you covered this summer with any of these wonderful choices.
1. CLIQ Chair
The CLIQ chair can pack up to the smallest, be set up the fastest, and is designed for the most comfortable seating experience of any outdoor folding chair. It’s weatherproof, can hold up to 300 pounds, and is sturdy and stable no matter the surface. Wherever you’re going, this will be a reliable seat that’s lightweight enough to carry around yet still sits high enough off the ground and provides lumbar support. This chair is surprisingly affordable for the quality and functionality, and you’ll seriously want to take it with you everywhere, just in case.
This chair occasionally goes out of stock due to high demand, but that’s because it truly is the best outdoor folding chair for sale in 2021. If you love summer bonfires as much as we do, this is the chair you’ll want to bring with you.
ON SALE! Buy: CLIQ Chair $89.99 2. Yeti Hondo Base Camp Chair
Yeti is known for their beverage cooling technology, but it turns out that they provide everything you need for the best possible tailgate or camping trip. We reviewed Yeti’s new line of chairs when it was first released in 2020, and it’s really no surprise that one of the best outdoor folding chairs comes from Yeti. This outdoor chair is built to last and keep you supported season after season, made from 100 percent breathable fabric that holds up to 500 pounds without losing its shape. It’s so comfortable and sturdy that it’s hard to believe you can fold it right up and use the attached hauler handle to carry it around. Of course, there’s also a Yeti-compatible cupholder included.
Buy: Yeti Hondo Base Camp Chair $299.99 3. Coleman Camping Chair With Built-In Cooler
Sometimes, you just need a chair that allows you to reach over and grab a nice chilled beverage without having to get up. This outdoor folding chair has a built-in four can cooler in the armrest, making it ideal for camping or days at the beach. It also has a cupholder and a mesh side pocket to keep your valuables easily accessible. The collapsible design makes it a breeze to fold up and store or carry, yet it’s wide enough to provide long-term comfort for most bodies.
Buy: Coleman Camping Chair $34.72 4. KingCamp Low Sling Beach Chair
This chair is super convenient, even if there’s a long walk involved to find the perfect spot to watch some live music. It’s durable, and despite being low to the ground, it’s on the wider side to keep things comfortable and has a handy cup holder. You can open and close it in seconds and pop it into the carry bag to store or transport. It’s also surprisingly lightweight for having such a sturdy steel frame.
LOW IN STOCK! Buy: KingCamp Low Sling Beach Chair $59.99 5. Black Plastic Seat Foldable Chair
Sometimes you just need extra folding chairs on hand to seat more people at your outdoor table. You can keep this one in the garage or on the porch since it’s outdoor safe and pop it open when a few unexpected guests show up to the barbecue. It’s designed with ergonomics in mind for maximum comfort throughout your whole dinner party, made from impact-resistant polypropylene that won’t break or bend even if you toss them into a pile at the end of the night.
Buy: Black Plastic Seat Foldable Chair $27.58 6. GCI Outdoor Freestyle Rocker
Rocking chairs can be quite relaxing, especially if you’re reading out in the wilderness on a camping trip or anywhere outdoors. You may have thought you had to sacrifice that rocking capability in an outdoor folding chair, but this one from GCI delivers that smooth rocking motion and still folds flat for easy storage or transportation. It also includes padded armrests, a built-in beverage holder and a mesh back panel to keep you cool and comfortable.
Buy: GCI Outdoor Freestyle Rocker $65.00 7. Cape Cod Vintage Lantern Folding Plastic Adirondack Chair
Adirondack chairs have a certain charm to them that makes your yard feel cozy and inviting. They also have those deep seats and angled design that just begs you to curl up in them while watching the sunset. Turns out that you can actually get one that’s foldable, so you can easily tuck it away if you don’t have the space to keep one out in your backyard at all times. This one is weather-resistant, easy to clean, store and transport. The best part is that nobody will ever guess it’s a folding chair.
Buy: Cape Cod Vintage Lantern Folding Plastic Adirondack Chair $479.77 8. Tommy Bahama Folding Backpack Beach Chair
When you’re lugging all of your supplies out into the sand for a beach day, anything that’s easy to carry is a huge help. This Tommy Bahama chair folds up and secures itself into a lightweight little backpack. You just put the straps over your shoulders and have your hands free to carry your cooler, umbrella and beach bag. Once set up, this outdoor folding chair can adjust to five seating positions including a lay-flat option, has a towel bar, insulated cup holder, pillow and storage pouches. The frame is also made from rust-proof aluminum, so you don’t have to worry about the salty air rusting it up.
Buy: Tommy Bahama Folding Backpack Beach Chair $59.99 9. Woods Mammoth Folding Padded Camping Chair
While this camping chair is a bit heavier, it’s worth it for the oversized, padded design that allows you to curl up comfortably for hours. It comes with a carry bag for streamlined storage, has a cup holder for easy beverage access and can accommodate up to 400 pounds of weight. It’s also extremely durable and comes from a company that knows how to make reliable camping gear, so you don’t have to worry about it failing you on your next trip to the woods.
Buy: Woods Mammoth Folding Padded Camping Chair $68.00 10. Caravan Sports OG Lounger Zero Gravity Chair
If your goal is to find the most comfortable folding chair, look no further. The smooth recline functionality of this breathable mesh and polyester outdoor folding chair keeps you as cool and comfy as you could possibly be. We love zero-gravity chairs, and this particular product comes with a headrest cushion and a locking function to keep it steady once you’ve achieved your ideal lounging position. You’ll seriously never want to get out of this chair once you get your feet up and your head back facing up at the sun. It also happens to have an over-the-shoulder carry strap if you decide that you must take it with you wherever you go.
Buy: Caravan Sports OG Lounger Zero Gravity Chair $99.17
The Best Camping Cots for Summer Fun Under the Stars #Camping #Chairs #Beach #Gear #Backyard